The first author work of N. Polyushenko from series "A.P. Chekhov. Taganrog" is dated as 1988.
The first printed edition of N. Polyushenko "Devoted to A.P.Chekhov. Taganrog" is dated by 1990. Number of copies was 10 000 pcs.
The first personal exhibition of N. Polyushenko, devoted to the writer "the 132th anniversary of A.P. Chekhov's birthday" is dated by 1992.
Серия А.П. Чехов. Таганрог. "Гимназия. Актовый зал. Пальма". A Series A.P.Chekhov. Taganrog. "Gymnasium. The Assembly hall. The palm" 1988 гравюра engraving